MOS School Military Occupational Specialty School -
After MCT, when everyone finds out what they will be doing if they did not know already, for example, open contracts, we all go off to our schools to learn our respective jobs. This is where I am now. I came here directly from MCT, and flew out to Los Angeles on Thanksgiving Day. This was my first time flying and also my first time out West. Some of us went on to the base to check in early, but some of us and me decided to stay overnight in LA since we did not have to check in until just before midnight the following day. We went shopping and walking around the city from our motel a little. Since classes did not start until January 2001 for many of us, our platoon had been assigned to cleanup and working party duties for the meantime. A large number of our class went home on leave or recruiter's assistance since school was not starting for quite a while from the time we arrived. I decided to stay even though it meant missing Christmas at home this year. Well, I finally got out of 29 Palms, and I am now stationed in Beaufort S.C. at the Marine Corps Air Station.
For more information MCAGCC Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center 29 Palms CA ![]() |